Friday, May 29, 2009


I don't need this much love

Beverly, 8 pounds of incredible predatory kittie, started hollering "meow" at me. I have found it wise to go find out what she wants when that happens.
There, in the dining room, she had brought me a young dead possum. I made the appropriate horrified noises and got the dustpan and broom and trash can.
The dead possum woke up and ran. I hollered "meow" and the dogs arrived. Jeffory wanted to chase it, but Gator grabbed it before it made it under the fridge and bit it. Then he put it down and went away. Gator is hard to excite.

I think Beverly is going to quit bringing me prey. I have not reacted in a respectful way to the rat, the grackle and the possum. She went ahead and killed the mouse. I think she figured it wasn't a worthy treat. She just eats the little birds under my bed, but i thought I rescued the second grackle she brought in. I tried to put it back outside, but Jeffory caught it and bit it.

Beverly is getting back at all birds for the loss of her roomies.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009


A horrible occurrence

Today, under the guise of “census” I received an item of fundraising and propaganda from the Republican Party. It was a very governmental official looking envelope with “Republican census document enclosed”.
It was a questionnaire in it with instructions on how to fill it out.
I do plan to fill it out and mail it back to cost them money and upset their computers.
I am offended to find such a thing in my mailbox, and am offended that they are using the word census on the envelope. This will confuse the little old lady behind me to the point of a phone call.

And why would they want ME on a mailing list? What a colossal waste of money and trees. This is worse than the live rat my beloved pets presented me with at 3 AM.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Where else do I put it?

I was awaken by a large and smelly commotion from a deep and peaceful sleep. My beloved pets, jeffory Springjeans, Gator Katrinason and Beverly Diva was swirling around the bed, toenails clicking, bodies stinking.
When they gathered around my bookshelf/nightstand, I turned on the light. I saw Beverly sitting behinf it in the corner, and I was afraid the dogs had gone berserk and we attacking her, but she was in on it. Jeffory was going full out with his nose at the bottom of the shelf, and beverly was trying to dig under. Here comes Gator to the rescue. He put a mighty paw against the back and pulled, with tiny horror movie screams emitting from below.
Then a rat appears on top of the shelf. I bailed. Much disturbance continued, but I was in the other room.
Trouble is, they lost it. Now what do I do? I don't want to go in there to sleep with a rat, but it's 3 AM.

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Wednesday, March 05, 2008


A view from the front

Historically, elections have been held in church halls. This is helpful when there are no city owned buildings in a precinct. They have also been mildly compensated for opening their doors.

In this primary, two churches decided they no longer wanted voters coming to their buildings. This is their right, as they are privately owned. However, these two also pulled down the notices of the new sites taped to their doors by election officials. In some ways, these churches are disenfranchising their neighbors. How are voters supposed to know where to go? This is not the way to be a part of the community.

I am given to understand that these particular denominations have recently decided that they despise politics. I therefore need to remind them it is politics that keep their tax breaks and views safe.

We, the voters of the United States of America, vow to continue to protect your rights even while you look down on ours.

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Friday, February 08, 2008


Forums and Stuff

I have been thinking about all these forums and speeched we make to various Democratic clubs, and I think I need to talk the League of Women Voters into getting it done earlier.
At Tejanos, I hadn't planned to go because I was going to tell Trans Texas Corridor advocates from TexDot that I don't like it any better now and the reason they don't have any money is because they waste it. However, Gator and Jeffory took off and Gator kept going.

So I got there with Gator's company and told them that story and how I was still going to keep pushing precinct conventions. i get a laugh, then I sit down.

What I think is good for my ego is that Rep. Herrero, the MC and 2 chair candidates all mentioned "as Carolyn said".

Then Thursday morning, Alex said we were having a banquet fundraiser on the 28th. Like all the candidates have time and money for that at that time?

We're just waiting on Barak's schedule.


Monday, February 04, 2008


No write-ins

I checked with 2 sources today and there will be no write-ins for precinct chair if there isn't a declared write-in. Not only that, but the deadline for filing as a write0in was an hour earlier than just regular filing.
Whose ridiculous idea is that?
I can understand why the parties like it better, they then have better control over the grassroots.
Everybody be sure to go to the precinct convention at your polling place at 7:15 election day. That's where neighborhoods tell Austin and Washington what to do.

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Question from South Texas Politics

Friday night, the Chair candidates were invited to a debate. It was actually one of those question and answer sessions. Evy Coppola was a no show.

One of the questions was "Shouldn't precinct chairs be sanctioned for supporting a republican in a non-partisan race (such as city council)" This is not a direct quote, but as close as I can remember.

Yesterday, I asked the question of a bright 16 year old.

She said you can't tell people who to support.
I said the precinct chairs take an oath to support only Democratic candidates.

She said that's different.
I said, remember, this is a non-partisan race and you shouldn't ask people what party they belong to.

She said, That's complicated, isn't it?
Actually, yes.

In a non-partisan race, as I said on the TV, as County chair, I couldn't get up and tell people to vote for any one candidate because I was obviously a partisan person, but I could support someone quietly. I don't ask people what party they belong to, but i often get a vibe. As a member of the Beach Access Coalition, I supported 4 people for city council. I still haven't asked
3 about their affiliation. They were on our side on the issues we cared about.

The Democratic Party is not the one that demands group think out of its members. The first time we try to make rules that way, I'm on my way to Costa Rica.

Saturday, at the Patriot Guard mission, I was surrounded by people who don't think the way i do. I keep quiet in those situations because we're there for only one reason. I did wear my Code Pink pants, though.

There I ran into a guy I could have supported for city council when he ran. I found out Saturday, to my shock, that he's a Republican. Why sould I be surprised? He's a marketing major.

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Saturday, February 02, 2008


We should have brought a barbeque pit

You want to hear about my sunburn? The Perverted Church didn't show up. I'm glad because we of the Patriot Guard weren't sure of all the other groups who showed up. They were making comments about thumpin' folks.
We mustered up at 8 and were kickstands up at 9. One of our guys counted 218 bikes before the Coalition of Clubs arrived at 10.
About noon, when the creeps were scheduled to arrive, word was passed that they were coming. It turned out that it was a group of gay and lesbian activists fromt eh university. There almost was a problem as the other groups didn't do the stand shoulder to shoulder as they should have. They surrounded these kids and wouldn't let them by. I kept those in my area calm by pointing out that that group was the one the perverted Church said God hates so much he killed 3 kids in a helocopter. The guys calmed down.
One thing that really bothered me was the fact that as I was standing the line (I was there 5 hours), one of my rival candidates came along with her campaign manager in her GI Forum cap on. The walked along until they found one of the bikes with the flag mounted on it and had themsselves a photo op. What was really bad was they held the flag out backward.
Afterward, I went to a get out the vote rally and showed how the voting machine worked and registered voters. I didn't know I was going to get to go one the radio and talk to the voters about how the prcinct conventions work and how Democrats are much better for everybody.
Once again, my competertors were no shows.

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