Wednesday, December 26, 2007



Mike Huckabee has a reputation for a fine sense of humor. Early last year, i8 saw him on several TV shows and found him personable. I no longer do. Today, he made comments while bird hunting about shooting people who oppose his candidacy. I suppose he thinks he's being cute.
Talking about shooting people while carrying a gun is not funny.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Why we vote by party affiliation

Several of my friends have recently announced that it is a bad thing for judges in Texas to be running for office under party labels. They say it hurts the party (Democratic) because they gather up all the campaign money, then don't help the party. They say that much money makes them all corrupt and that they favor those who pay for their campaigns.

Right now, I would like to address party affiliation. Most of my life, I, like others, have not been aware of who the judges were and how well they did their jobs. I always used the D after their names to help me choose for whom to vote. Why would I do that, especially now that I have several friends who are Republicans and are running for judge, shouldn't I give them some consideration? Well, no. Even though they are my friends, they have bought in to the Republican platform, which appears to me to be completely contrary to the US Constitution and against the rule of law. I have been disgusted with all the shenanigans and finagling the Republican administration has been pulling, I could never respect a Republican jurist, even though he is my friend.

More later.

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