Saturday, November 24, 2007


Let's clean up our attitude

Last night I was visiting with my friend at the coffee house. She and I are adult enough to remain friends even though we occasionally support different candidates. I can think she's wrong, and she can think I'm wrong, but we don't go hatin'. there are some in this county that are carrying grudges from when McGovern ran.
I'm hoping I can help change that attitude.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Some plans

The local Democratic party has been uninterested in having volunteers around for years. The Headquarters has been kept open, but in name only. It's a waste of money. Because of that, various groups have splintered around with different agendae.

I plan to have the headquarters open every afternoon and available for meetings. I plan to habe anyone who wants to come help out come on down.

I plan to have a sign outside so people can find us.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Maybe it's time to come back.

I quit on this thing for a while because there was too much smack being passed around. Let's see how it comes around this time.

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